Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

The Guide to Gamification: Elevating Education with Engagement

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Join us for an exploration of gamification and games in learning on Measurably Better Learning, the podcast dedicated to L&D professionals.


In this episode, we aim to clarify the often-confused concepts of gamification and true gaming within our industry, as well as a few strategies and techniques for how to approach these subjects.


What to Expect:


- Elements of Effective Gamification: The core aspects of gamification, including motivation, achievement badges, leaderboards, and how these elements can be tailored to foster a memorable learning experience.


- Cultural Considerations in Game Design: The complexities of designing gamified learning experiences for a global audience, acknowledging the diverse motivations and cultural sensitivities that can impact the effectiveness of gamification strategies.


- The Role of AI in Gaming and Learning: How artificial intelligence is reshaping the landscape of game-based learning, creating personalized and adaptive learning paths that respond to the individual learner's interactions and decisions.


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